Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Six Months Old!

Hasn't grown much, has he!? He's obviously also developing a penchant for flipping the bird...he gets that from his daddy ;)

Six months ago I was at Overlake Hospital, completely exhausted, getting the news that after 12 hours of labor, we were headed into surgery for an emergency c-section. Brian and I were scared but excited to meet our long awaited child. George arrived at 12:56 pm, screaming and peeing. We were thrilled!

George has developed quite a personality. He has learned how to grab and has quite the grip, especially on hair. He also throws his left arm around with abandon. So he's a pincher and a hitter!

George loves to be sung to. Current favorites are 'On Top of Spaghetti' and 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame.' He also enjoys spending time in his exersaucer outside while he watches the dogs. He's learned to blow raspberries and is making all kinds of sounds. And bath time is still a favorite - just start singing 'Rubber Duckie' and he gets all sorts of excited!

We haven't had his 6 month appointment yet, so we're unsure of his stats right now, but last time I took him on the scale he was 21 pounds. He's outgrown his infant car seat and the new big boy car seat is due to arrive in the mail this week.

These past six months have absolutely flown by. Pardon the cliche, but where does the time go?


JacksonFamHappenings said...

he has gotten so big! What a cutie!!!!!

Katy was born at overlake too...

Andrea from The Train To Crazy said...

On top of spaghetti... ah, that brings back memories of Mrs. Campbell. I sing that to my kids too.