Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here We Go...

George is already proving to be quite the ladies man. Here he is with Maria, who belongs to family friends Matthew and Jennifer.

How sweet, a kiss on her hand...

And then he goes straight to the toes. This kid wastes no time!
I cannot wait to pull this out when they're 13.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

8 Month Update

Our big boy turned 8 months on Monday. Some of things he's done over the last month?

- He sits totally unassisted and does not like to be propped up by anything. He also scootches on his behind and will "barrel roll" from a sitting position to get to things he wants.
- He does not crawl (yet) but can get pretty much anywhere he wants by doing the worm on his stomach or pushing himself around by digging in his heels when he's on his back
-He's got quite the temper! He's started yelling and screeching when he doesn't get what he wants. Lovely! We are both trying to let him know that the yelling isn't okay. Usually a firm "George, no" will get his attention. For a few minutes.
-He's belly laughing, which is just the best! Daddy gets the best belly laughs by tossing George's red ball in the air. Not sure why that's funny? But it sure is cute.
- George is officially a carnivore. He had homemade chicken, carrot and sweet potato puree a few days ago and loved it. I tried it too and it was yummy.
- Clingy-ness is setting in. He can play independently, which is great, but when he wants to be held, that's it. He will not allow himself to be put down at all.
- His favorite toys are oldies and goodies - hand me downs from his 10-year-old and 6-year-old cousins Peter and Kaylei - a little tykes banjo and a rotary telephone toy. Plus, he is really loving his blocks and his stacking ring toy. Anything he can bang together and make noise with.
- He's figured out the sippy cup. Finally.
- He's still completely toothless!

There's definitely more but I think I've covered the highlights. He's quite the sweet little man!

A Tisket, a Tasket...

It's Georgie in a basket! I actually took these photos about a month or so ago but neglected to download. I can't believe he put up with being inside the basket - but he loved it. Funny kid!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Some September Stuff

George is officially in 12 month clothes these days. Here he is modelling some new jammies with non-skid feet. I believe those are intended for children who WALK.

He's already exhibiting decidedly male tendencies. Exhibit A, above. He is obsessed with the remote control. We realize that if we buy him a toy remote control he will not be interested. It's the real thing or nothing!

Last Sunday was the first game of the Hawks season. Yes, it was sad, but at least George looked 110% 12th man in his sweet new Hawks gear.

He has finally decided his Johnny-Jump-Up is fun. He especially likes it attached at the front door around 3 pm when the big yellow school bus pulls up and drops off the neighborhood kids.

This week George tried cantaloupe and plum. I put the cantaloupe in these nifty little mesh bags with handles and he chews away. They're great for teething and making sure he doesn't chew off chunks of fruit. One of those things I wish I would have invented!

Lastly, George has two new favorite games. "Mommy or Daddy Fetch" and "Dump out the Bucket of Blocks." I'm a little nervous for when he becomes mobile. I'm sure our house will be strewn with all sorts of toys. I better enjoy the stationary-ness while it lasts!

Monday, September 1, 2008

George's World

This week George got a new toy - good old wooden blocks. He's learning the pincer grasp and has figured out how to grab them - and then they go straight to his mouth!

Baby feet - doesn't get much cuter!

George loves his doggies and he definitely knows their names now - if you ask "Where's Sadie" or "Where's Carl", he'll look directly at the correct dog.
Lastly, George tried two unusual foods this week (at least I think so, for a baby) - avacado and tofu. He loved both. Hopefully he'll keep his adventurous palate as he grows.