Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tick Tock

I can't believe my maternity leave ends on Monday. George's first 12 weeks have absolutely flown by. Luckily, I will be telecommuting two days per week and my mom (Gigi) and Brian will cover the rest of the days, so no daycare yet.
This week, I'm savoring my last few days as a full-time stay-at-home mommy, while frantically trying to get as organized as possible to make the transition back into work a little more seamless - if that's possible! George is spending more time awake and has decided he needs to either be held or entertained. We're also trying tummy time - see photo - which is so far is not a favorite. He'll stand it for about 10 minutes. He's still not a fan of napping either. These last few weeks, his hands have spent a lot of time in his mouth and he's just about giggling.

1 comment:

JacksonFamHappenings said...

tummy time will come I think 10 minutes is pretty good! My kids hated tummy time. I tried to lay them on my chest a lot to make up for the last of tummy time on the floor. Enjoy these last couple of days. He is getting so big already!