Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daddy Daycare, New Toys & a Soul Patch?

I've been back to work for four days now. It's nice to see everyone in the office, but I sure do miss my little dude! Brian was with him all day Monday and half a day Tuesday. While I was at work, the boys went on a walk, had a bath and tried out George's Bumbo seat. Gigi (Grandma Barb) came down Tuesday and we tried out George's Johnny Jump-Up. He's not quite sure what to make of it just yet, but I'm sure he'll love it once he figures it out! Last night I was cleaning out my purse and found the giveaway from the M's game we went to over the weekend - a J.J. Putz stick-on soul patch. So of course we had to put it on George. He kind of looks like his Uncle Ryan with the little red goatee!


Andrea said...

Oddly enough it makes him look older...

JacksonFamHappenings said...

That is too cute! Those Bumbo seats are cool they didn't have those for my kids!