Tuesday, July 7, 2009


George had a trim a few months back, but this is his first official haircut. We went to this precious little place in Bothell that only does kid's cuts. He had the choice between a blue airplane and a black convertible. He chose the convertible...it was closer to the television...and the toys.

Doing okay so far...

Doesn't like the water sprayed on his head. He said "It's Waining (Raining)."

When it came to trimming with the scissors, George did great. He loved this little dinosaur.

It roared. And George roared back.

Then things went terribly wrong. Note the clippers in the lower left of the photo.

So, after a pretty painless first few minutes, the haircut ended in waterworks. But doesn't he look handsome?

Don't worry. I bought him a treat afterwards at a toy store next door (how CONVENIENT for guilty parents).

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