Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bad Mommy - Late Father's Day & 17 Months Update

Wow. June has been crazy. First, George and I took care of our friends Bethany and Alex's little boy, Eljas, who is four months. We had him during the day for two weeks. George adored him and had very little jealousy, which was great. I think he even learned to say Eljas (pronounced Ell-yes) but his version sounded more like 'lettuce'. He also learned to say 'baby'.

We did lots of visiting this month. We saw cousin Alli - and discovered George REALLY likes balloons.

We saw my friend Lisa and her little boy Finn. We went out to lunch and learned that leisurely, quiet lunches are most definitely a thing of the past!

We went to George's girlfriend :) Maria's first birthday party. She belongs to family friends Matthew and Jennifer.
George REALLY enjoyed his cupcake. And we had a good time playing on all their swings and slides.

Father's Day turned out absolutely beautiful and we had a barbecue at our house.

He is such a ham!

And already running away from Cousin Kaylei...

And best of all, hanging out with Daddy.

I can't believe George is seventeen months. Almost a year and a We're in teething hell right now, but other than that, we're having a pretty fun summer, keeping VERY busy.

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