Saturday, July 25, 2009

Eighteen Months

George at one week old.

At six months.

At one year.

And a year and a half!

I can't believe it. Wow!

Brian asked me when we can stop telling people George's age in months. I think it's at two, but saying a year and a half is pretty easy too!

George is still picking up new vocabulary at a rapid pace. He's learning colors and is counting (with prompting) to ten. He does miss a few numbers here and there, but still, pretty good!

He's also starting to sing. He surprised me the other day by singing - Twinkle twinkle star. Up up up high. Diamond. Sky.

I was so excited!

George is obsessed with being outside, and will clasp his hands under his chin, look up with really big eyes and say 'outside?'. I think if we were in the yard all day, that would be fine with him. The weather has been incredible, so it's been great having a place for him to play in the backyard.

As far as food goes, he's still pretty adventurous, though some days all he will really eat are green beans (canned), avocados and berries. He is the only child I know who will start screaming for 'caddddoooooosssss' in the grocery store. Instead of cookies. But at least you can open a bag of cookies in the store to create some quiet...kind of harder with an avocado.

We're still not sleeping totally through the night. I'm sure if I really pushed it, he would, but since I'm not having to get up and go to work, getting up in the middle of the night isn't the end of the world.

George and I are still doing Stroller Strides a few times a week and really enjoying getting to know the other moms and babies. We're going to Woodland Park Zoo on Tuesday, so that will be a fun outing.

Still can't believe how big my baby is getting. Can I stop time for a little bit?


Melissa said...

Wow, it sure doesn't seem like it's been 18 months. Where has the time gone? Did you just post his newborn pics 6 months ago? What a big boy you have! :)

JacksonFamHappenings said...

They grow up so fast don't they! He is adorable!