Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hello there! It's been a while!

We've been very busy... last month over Thanksgiving we were fortunate enough to visit Kauai with my parents.

George had a great time. We did too (the plane ride was a little - um - LONG with a toddler).

Here are some photos of George's adventures...enjoy!

Future boogie boarder with Papa.

With Papa and Gigi modelling his Hawaiian shirt.

Ahhh. Sand. This was before he got it into his mouth.

At a local playground with Daddy.


Playing in the surf at Anini beach.

Beating on rocks with a stick at Shipwreck Beach...does it get any better?

Tuckered out.

Testing the water with Daddy.

Looking for the perfect place to dig.

On the putting green. He was obsessed with pulling the flags out of the holes.

Coloring - leave me alone!

In the pool with Daddy.
Family photo our last night there. Aloha!

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