Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Catch Up

I just realized I forgot to do a 15 month post - so here it is, belated and mostly in pictures!

George has a total of seven teeth, and about five more (including molars) trying to push through. He's drooling like a mastiff, SUPER DUPER cranky and is biting everything. Including me. So, we've been giving him Tylenol/Motrin, and it seems to help.

Here, you can kind of see the carnage in his mouth. Ouch!

If you click on the one below to enlarge, you'll notice the lovely drool string hanging from his chin!

George inherited some great toys from Cousins Peter and Kaylei's grandparents, Pete and Sue. Here he is on his bouncy horse. He has almost mastered getting on and off by himself.


And the newest trick to give Mama a heart attack - climbing up on the fireplace. He seems mighty pleased with himself.

With Papa and his tractor.

Modeling Gigi's glasses.

Trying to eat a yam as large as his arm.

Tuckered out after a fun afternoon playing up at Papa and Gigi's before Papa left for Alaska.

And playing with Daddy in the toy corner. George's favorite part of the day!

George has several new words. Some of my favorites - six and eight (if you count to ten he says these two numbers in the correct place), donkey, ball, hippo, catten (kitten) and he's also stringing a few words together like 'Hi Daddy!' and 'Sadie, down!' He's a total sponge and we have to be very careful what we say around him!

He still loves to read, is getting better at throwing balls (and unfortunately, toys) , and absolutely loves playing outside.

We are also doing a mom's group called Stroller Strides, which is a workout with the kiddos at the mall five mornings a week (I try to go two or three). It's a lot of fun for the kids (and the moms too). And the workout is great!

We're hoping to start swimming lessons soon, there is a great pool about fifteen minutes away that we're going to try.

So that's about it for now, I'm sure there's more but I don't want to ramble too much!

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