Friday, May 23, 2008

Cousin Craziness!

Last Sunday was a busy day at our house...we had Brian's sisters and their families, his parents, and my mother over for a joint spring birthday celebration. There are six cousins total now, Peter (10), Kaylei(5), Mikayla(4), Ethan(3), Jeweliza (16 mos) and George. George was fascinated with all the big kids. We tried and tried to get a photo of them all together. I should say my sis-in-law Julie did...she was our paparrazzi for the day! It was impossible to get them all to look at the camera, but Julie did capture some pretty great moments.

1 comment:

JacksonFamHappenings said...

He is getting so big. What a cutie! We do the same when we have all the cousins together on either side of the family. I am always hopeful of a great pic and completely tired by the end!