Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Child of a Thousand Faces

Well, maybe not a thousand...but his repetoire is expanding. Above, we have a sampling - including our favorite, which we call the pirate face - arrgggh! This is how he tells us he's ready to eat.
George continues to change every day. He's now pretty much able to hold his head up on his own, is tracking our voices around the house and is definitely more alert. He's enjoying bathtime too - though the first bath was a bit scary for him (Mommy was nervous too!).
He's still getting lots of visitors - he met his Great Grandma Ruby and Great Aunts Elayne and Diane for the first time last weekend. He was on his best behavior, as usual. We can't complain - so far, he has a very even and mellow temperament...knock wood!


Jenn said...

I love pirate face... priceless! :)

Julie said...

He is so adorable!! I can't believe how much he has changed already. We love and miss you George!